BDZ plans to gradually renew the rolling stock over the next 15 years

The round table for public discussion on the topic "Purchase of a new rolling stock for the needs of BDZ and investments in the national railway infrastructure", which was held earlier today, presented the opportunities for gradually renew of the rolling stock over the next 15 years. The discussion was attended by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, the management teams of BDZ and NRIC, the representatives of the trade unions, the higher education institutions "Todor Kableshkov", the Technical University of Sofia and UNWE, representatives of Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), NGOs and railway experts.
- First stage until 2022: The company's ongoing intensive repair program for locomotives, railcars, EMUs and DMUs has the task of providing the Schedule of trains for the next three years in order to avoid shortage of railcars, locomotives, etc. on daily basis. The repair of 46 multiple units Siemens Deziro will provide the suburban lines for the next 12-13 years. At this stage, an average of 15 capital repairs of locomotives per year are planned, including technological modernization to increase the speed up to 160 km / h.
- Second stage until 2030: In parallel with the first stage, based on the conclusions and proposals received within the public consultation, by the end of 2019 it is planned to launch a new order for the delivery of 10-15 multiple units, and also 30 to 50 new, modern railcars to provide higher quality of service to the company's customers.
- Third stage after 2030: During the period it is planned gradually replacement of Siemens Deziroux multiple units and the cars and locomotives for trans-national lines that have reached their ultimate operational resource.