Polish and Romanian rolling stock manufacturers have applied to participate in the procedure for delivery of new coaches

H. Cegielski - Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych Sp. z o.o. and Astra Vagoane Calatori SA are the candidates who have applied for the procedure: “Production and supply of 40 new passenger coaches for 1 435 mm track gauge for BDZ - Passengers EOOD”.

That became clear at the official opening of the applications submitted within the announced deadline.

The contract is for production of 14 second-class coaches, 10 first-class coaches, 8 bistro cars and 8 coaches adjusted for persons with reduced mobility to meet all modern European requirements for travel comfort.

The coaches will be equipped with an automatic air-conditioning system, 220V secured electric sockets with access to every seat, Wi Fi, indoor and outdoor information displays, CCTV and more. The newly delivered coaches will be intended to operate mainly on the long routes to Varna and Bourgas.

Implementing the procedure for production and supply of new coaches will significantly improve the quality of the service offered by BDZ - Passenger Transport EOOD, which is the main priority in the work of the management team of the company.

The estimated value of the contract is BGN 76 668 536,00 excluding VAT, and after examining the documentation of the applicants, the procedure will continue with the next stage of submission of technical and price offers.

The estimated delivery of the first new coaches shall be within 12 months after the signing of the contract.




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